Talent- Not an Inherited Quality

by 8:50 AM 5 comments
by Sahil Sankhla

We often feel sad when we look at those who can sing, dance, paint or act well, and the first question arises, "Why can't I do it?". We all feel that talents are either god gifted or inherited from ancestors. But is it really true? The answer is NO! Talent is like knowledge, no one can beg, borrow or steal it, it can only be earned and the only means to earn it is by immense hard work and dedication towards a particular interest(s).

As a child I had always felt inferior in front of those who did exceptionally well in cultural activities, I was even ignored by my teachers who should have motivated me. But the problem was in my mentality which kept on haunting me with the same common question, "Why can't I do it?" Years passed and the awful feeling of inferiority never changed. Once I saw my cousin dancing to some hip hop beats and I was spell bound! At once I decided to become a dancer like him, he was my inspiration. I used to practice hard till late night when my parents were fast asleep so that they couldn't watch me dancing as for them it was just a waste of time and within a short period of two years I mastered the Michael Jackson dance style. Now my schoolmates know me very well and appreciate my talent which I earned by my hard work.

Every human is special and he can master any talent only if his dedication towards it is pure and rigid. And my dream is to see every human replacing the same old and weak question "Why can't I do it?" with a powerful assertion "I CAN DO IT!"



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